Boat Donations Professionally Managed
Pacific Marine
How it Works

Boat donations are the primary focus of the Pacific Marine Foundation. We are an IRS-approved non-profit corporation with more than 25 years of experience managing charitable yacht and boat donation programs nationwide.
When you donate your boat to our organization, your generosity provides direct funding and other specific assistance to organizations that support kids and young adults in education and the arts.
You’ll achieve a significant tax advantage, too!
Donating your boat is a practical way to eliminate the costs and responsibilities of ownership—including moorage, fees, taxes, insurance, and maintenance—and receive a major tax deduction while supporting our local youth programs … all in one smooth transaction.
We provide fast and professional service and we assume all expenses immediately upon receipt of your Deed of Gift.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how our boat donation program can benefit you. Just click on the link below to tell us about the vessel you would like to donate, or give us a call at 206.225.3360.